Artemisia Annua
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is an herb that’s prized for its distinctive aroma, herbaceous flavor, and purported health benefits .
While native to Europe, it grows readily across various climates, including parts of Asia, Africa, South America, and the United States.
It has velvety white or greenish-silver stems, yellow-green leaves, and bulbous flowers that are bright or pale yellow. All parts of the plant have been used in traditional medicinal practices for hundreds of years
Indications: Tonicardiac, vermifuge, parasiticide, antiseptic, emmenagogue (triggers late rites), stomachic, digestive, choleretic, antispasmodic, fortifying and depurative.
Uses: Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to stimulate the appetite, to aid digestion (stomachic) and to stimulate secretion of bile (choleretic). Amenorrhea, triggers delay rules (emménagogue) or painful (antispasmodic). Vermifuge and anti-parasitic.
Dosage herbal tea: Infuse a table spoon into a cup of boiling water, cover, steep for 5 minutes and filter. Drink 2 to 4 cups a day.
Cautions: Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use if you are allergic to plants of the Asteraceae/Compositae/Daisy family, (ragwood).
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