Snail: delicacy on your plate!
Snails are molluscs that take shelter in their spiral shells. It is an earth mollusc that is similar to shells and winkles. They exist in several varieties that differ in size, taste, and texture. Even if they seem unappetizing to some people, snails are a delicacy that deserves to be known. It has been known since prehistoric times. Men have always picked it up and eaten it. Indeed, many snail shells have been found in prehistoric sites. Much later, the Romans fattened them in “snail beds”, feeding them wine and bran. The Gauls preferred them for dessert. In the Middle Ages, snails were part of the common diet, used in all sorts of ways and considered as lean meat.
Health Benefits
The snail is low in calories (70kcal/100g) and contains 75% high-quality protein, 15% fat, and a low percentage of carbohydrates. It is an interesting source of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and copper. Apart from the pleasure that its tasting can provide, its magnesium content is exceptional.
Rich in omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol-free, snails are said to be one of the foods that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are also widely consumed in Mediterranean diets.
To prevent the snails from having a rubbery consistency, it is recommended to simmer them very gently in a court bouillon for 3-4 minutes before preparing them according to your favorite recipe: they will remain tender.
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