Bone-in Beef meat
Afritibi market offers you beef on the bone to accompany all your sauces and soups. Depending on the arrivals, we propose you either the shank or the ribs of beef.
Beef is probably the most popular red meat on earth. The term “beef” is used to refer to all farmed beef. Beef contains vitamins (especially B vitamins) and several minerals that are present in large amounts (selenium, zinc, iron, copper).
Afritibi market offers you here pieces of beef with bone. It is well established in African culture that a good piece of meat must always be accompanied by its bone. If it is true that in the end the bone will not be eaten, the bones allow to flavour and enrich the sauce with the minerals it contains.
Bone broth: a nutritious gold mine.
Bones also contain 17 different amino acids, many of which are found in broth in the form of proteins such as collagen and gelatine. Although the exact nutritional content varies depending on the bones used, cooking time and cooking method, the following nutrients are consistently present in most bone broths.
Some of the benefits of bone broths include the following:
- helping the body make one of the most powerful antioxidants: glutathione;
- alleviate diseases of the digestive tract, such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn’s disease, intestinal permeability, dysbiosis, etc… ;
- strengthen bone mineralization;
- nourish the joints;
- regenerate the skin;
- regulate the acid-base balance;
- strengthen the immune system;
- contribute to weight loss.
- PassportSante
- SimonLanglois Health Coach
- Marion’s Vitalizer
For more information, visit Afritibi.
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