Sheep Fat
Sheep fat, as the name suggests, come from the sheep. The is the key animal in the history of agriculture and is often associated with rural scenes. The sheep appears in many legends, such as the Golden Fleece and in the great religions, especially the Abrahamic religions. In some rites, sheep are used as sacrificial animals, particularly among Muslims during Eid al-Kebir.
Mutton meat is a very fine delicacy with a more than appreciable taste that many people are fond of. Whether steamed for couscous or barbecued, it is a very popular food. As a red meat rich in protein, sheep is an excellent source of several vitamins and minerals: zinc, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12.
Difference between Sheep and lamb?
There is a difference between lamb and mutton: lamb is the young of the ewe, “less than 300 days old”. It weighs around 30 kilos. The ewe is the female ewe whose meat is consumed “at the end of the breeding period, between four and six years”. The sheep is “the castrated male over one year old, fattened for slaughter”. In his case, he weighs more than 35 kilos.
Available at Marché Afritibi
Al Kanz
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