Because this is where it all comes down to “success or failure”. Knowing the ingredients of a dish is essential for any cooking. So let’s note that the quantity of ingredients depends on the number of dishes and the number of guests. So to prepare the Mbongo a good Cameroonian and African woman needs :
Black powder for the sauce
Country onion
4 sides
Mbongo spice
Garlic cloves
ripe tomato
Fish or meat (some prefer fresh catfish)
laurel leaves
Ginger (1 small piece)
Palm or peanut oil
Ground white pepper
Green condiments (leek, celery and basil)
Salt, cube and a little basil
As these different ingredients are already combined, it is advisable to follow this procedure for a better result.
The first step consists in toasting in the frying pan, the seeds of ndjansang, the mbongo spice, the 4 sides, the pèbè and the puck.
Then, crush the whole, associate this first result with the tomato, green condiments, garlic and ginger and mix until you obtain an almost homogeneous puree.
The third step is to clean the fish, dirty it lightly, then plunge it into the crushed mixture. Thus made, put your pot on the fire and let marinate for about twenty minutes.
In another casserole, heat oil, brown the onions, insert the previous compound, plus white pepper, bay leaves, salt and cube, then add a little more than half a liter of water. Finally, let it cook on medium heat, for ½ hour.
After this half hour, your Mbongo Tchobi is ready. Preferably, serve it hot, with as complements: rice, plantain banana, macabo, cassava tubers, and many others.
Huumm bon appétit!!!!